
泛亚电竞中国-超级高铁公开首测 时速接近音速

2025-02-11 01:31:01

本文摘要:Elon Musks vision of a Hyperloop transport system that carries passengers in pressurised tubes at near-supersonic speeds is on track to hit a milestone.伊隆·马斯克的超级高铁创想——冷却密封车厢以不似超音速的速度载运乘客——将要亲眼里程碑式的新突破。

Elon Musks vision of a Hyperloop transport system that carries passengers in pressurised tubes at near-supersonic speeds is on track to hit a milestone.伊隆·马斯克的超级高铁创想——冷却密封车厢以不似超音速的速度载运乘客——将要亲眼里程碑式的新突破。Musk outlined his futuristic idea in a paper released in 2013, challenging innovators to bring the dream to life.马斯克2013年公开发表了一篇论文,阐释了这一未来设想,期望有极富改革创新精神的人将梦想变成现实。Hyperloop Technologies, one of the startups that picked up the gauntlet thrown by Musk, is hosting a sneak preview of the future of transportation technology during a two-day event billed as involving a demonstration at a test site outside Las Vegas.初创企业“超级高铁技术公司”接过了马斯克抛的挑战。

该公司近日将于拉斯维加斯郊外一处试验场展开为期两天的展出,给外界一个“未来交通技术预演”。A series of tweets fired from the Twitter account @HyperloopTech teased big announcements you dont want to miss.公司推特账号@HyperloopTech单发数条推文,失礼“将有根本性事项宣告,你认同想错失”。- Kitty Hawk moment -基蒂霍克时刻Late last year, Hyperloop chief executive Rob Lloyd said in an online post that the team was working toward a Kitty Hawk moment in 2016.去年底,“超级高铁技术公司”CEO罗勃·劳埃德在一篇网帖中称之为,公司团队将于2016年创下“基蒂霍克”时刻(背景科学知识:莱特兄弟1903年于北卡罗来纳的基蒂霍克首次首飞飞机顺利)。

The post came with word of an agreement to use an industrial park in the city of North Las Vegas to conduct a Propulsion Open Air Test of the blazingly-fast rail system.与网帖同时经常出现的还有一则消息:该公司已达成涉及协议,将于拉斯维加斯北部一处工业园展开超级高铁的“室外前进试验”。Lloyd described it at the time as a very important step on the way to realising the full potential of Hyperloop Tech.劳埃德当时称之为,这是全面充分发挥“超级高铁技术公司”潜力的最重要一步。Our Kitty Hawk moment refers to our first full system, full scale, full speed test, Lloyd said.他回应:“我们的‘基蒂霍克’时刻将首次展出全系统、仅有规模、仅有速度的高铁试验。

”This will be over two miles of tube with a controlled environment and inside that tube we will levitate a pod and accelerate it to over 700 miles (1,125 kilometers) per hour.“我们将布置多达两英里宽的隧道,把控好隧道环境。隧道内漂浮的行经舱,时速平均700英里(大约1125公里)以上”。- Iron Man -钢铁侠The project could connect Los Angeles and San Francisco in 35 minutes in a low-cost alternative to a high-speed rail network planned for California.该项目将相连洛杉矶和旧金山,全程仅有须要35分钟,而且相对于加州计划中的高铁线路,该项目费用更加较低。

Musk has said he has no plans to build the system but offered the open source design to allow others to pursue a venture.马斯克已回应,他有意亲身参予这种项目,但不会把他的设计变为开源资源,可供其他冒险家用于。Jon Favreau, director of Iron Man, has referred to Musk as a modern-day Renaissance man.《钢铁侠》编剧乔恩·费儒指出马斯克是一个现代版的“文艺复兴式人物”。In an article for Time, Favreau said he and actor Robert Downey Jr. modeled the main character in the movie -- genius billionaire Tony Stark -- after the Silicon Valley star.费儒在一篇寄给《时代》杂志的文章中称之为,影片主角之一“天才富豪托尼·斯塔克”,就是他和演员小罗伯特·唐尼以这位硅谷明星为原型创作的。

South Africa-born Musk has become one of Americas best-known innovators, having launched a payments company, electric carmaker Tesla Motors, SpaceX and SolarCity.出生于南非的马斯克是美国最知名的创意家之一。他创办过缴纳公司、电动汽车特斯拉、太空探寻公司以及“天阳能城市”公司。


